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Cherry Tree Blossom Session Tips

Cherry tree blossom sessions are just around the corner. I have a few tips to help you prepare for your upcoming session among all the pretty blooms!

cherry tree blossom baby photos in Athens, GA.

When to book your cherry tree blossom session.

While you cannot know the exact dates when cherry trees will be in bloom, they usually are displaying their full color around Valentine’s Day here in the Athens, GA area. There are a few different locations that I keep my eyes peeled and do frequent location scouts once February hits. Each location blooms at different times, so if you miss the first round, you could book one of the later dates if needed. I suggest booking your session anytime between mid February to the first week of March.

Be prepared for us to have to move your session date depending on when the blossoms are in bloom. Flexibility is key. As I mentioned I am checking things out almost daily once February hits and I keep in touch with everyone who is booked with cherry tree blossom sessions, so you will have plenty of notice and options on dates and even locations if we need to move your session.

Certain locations work best in the morning and others work better at sunset. I will pick the location depending on what your schedule needs are. It is important to think of when your little ones are their happiest. If they hit a brick wall by 3pm, then a morning session will be best for you. Do you have school aged kids? A sunset session may be better suited for your crew!

Fatherhood cherry tree blossom baby photos in Athens, GA.

cherry tree blossom baby family photos in Athens, GA.

What to wear for your cherry tree blossom session.

I suggest wearing pastels, white and/or cream for cherry tree blossom sessions. These colors complement the soft pink and green colors that nature provides us in these locations. Soft neutrals with a pop of pastels is always a good combination.

Consider the weather when choosing your outfits too. It is many times still a bit chilly when the cherry trees are in bloom, especially if you choose a morning session time. You may want some long sleeve options for comfort. I always bring blankets for warmth, so if you really have your heart set on an outfit without long sleeves and the weather is cool on the day of your session, we can always bundle up between shots.

Add some interest with texture and layering in your wardrobe too. Think lace, ribbons, ruffles, embroidery, suede, tweed, seersucker and detailed collars… When choosing patterns, look for simple patterns in soft or neutral colors. Accessories are a great way to add interest too. Simple jewelry vs bold jewelry work best.

For footwear, I suggest classics for the littles or even bare feet to show off those little toes. Steer clear of flip-flops, runners/sneakers or shoes that are worn out.

Think of the room/s you will be displaying your portraits in when choosing your wardrobe too. You want everything to work together without clashing.

Click here for even more tips on Spring/Summer portrait sessions!

Motherhood cherry tree blossom baby photos in Athens, GA.

Meaningful items are always welcome!

If your little one has a favorite book, stuffed animal, doll or other toy, feel free to bring it! These items can be very comforting to your child, but also meaningful in the final portraits. A Moses basket or bassinet, like shown here, are a great way to not only show the growth of your baby, but can be helpful if your baby is not able to sit steadily on their own yet. Also, as always, family pets are always a welcome addition to all portrait sessions with Yvonne Niemann Photography. They are a big part of the family and deserve to be documented too! Just let me know if you would like your pet photographed so I can choose a location that is pet friendly.

cherry tree blossom session of a baby in Moses basket in Athens, GA

I hope these tips help you plan your upcoming cherry tree blossom session. Ready to get on the calendar? This is the time! Sessions are booking fast. Inquire for details and to secure your spot. Happy to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to working with your this Spring! |  706.713.0676

Athens, Georgia |


Nothing like a first birthday milestone portrait session!!! This was the final session of this beauty's Baby's First Year Program. Such an honor watching her grow through all the big milestones of her first year. 

Mom selected the white studio set up with balloons for this important session. One of my favorites!!!!

If your little one is about to celebrate their birthday, consider documenting it with a portrait session. 

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Spring break is around the corner, which also happens to be a great time for senior portraits at one of your favorite destinations. Contact me today for details on travel sessions! 
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The heirloom portrait event is just around the corner - February 22. Grab your spot by using the link in bio or send me a message. Hope to see you soon!
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Today is my daughter's last home game of her high school career. It is bittersweet for sure. I remember when she decided to try out and the excitement of making both sideline and courtside squads. To see it coming to a close is very surreal. Don't blink. It really goes by so fast. Very excited for her as she gets closer to starting her next chapter in this crazy journey of life.
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Heirloom albums have thick pages that won't bend when browsing your portraits from your session. These albums are handcrafted with love and are a wonderful way to archive your favorite images for generations to come. 
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Simplicity is best!!!! Let your baby shine during their first portrait session without distractions. A simple swaddle in a neutral color and a blanket in the same palette allows the focus to stay on your newborn. Simple, pure, lovely.
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Spring sessions are now open for booking! Contact me soon to get on the calendar to ensure you get the spot you want. 
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Heirloom portrait event is coming up next month on February 22nd! Secure your spot online by clicking on the link in my bio. You can sed me a message if you prefer. Hope to see you soon!!!!
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"I’m literally almost in tears! They are so gorgeous!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!!! So incredibly grateful for these special memories!!!!! YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!” - Melissa
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