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Category Archives: Babies

Georgia Best Family Portrait Photographers

Georgia best family portrait photographers


It is such an honor to be voted as Best of Georgia Regional Winner in the Family Photographers category through the Georgia Business Journal for the second year in a row! Being among the best family portrait photographers in the State really is humbling. Thank you for everyone who voted for me and for your continued support. It really means so much that you have chosen me as your photographer and trust me with your precious memories. Happy New Year!!!!

Family Portraits Outside in Knoxville

Family portraits outside is a no brainer – especially when the views are as stunning as this. Regardless of where you live, I can find beautiful outdoor locations for your portrait session. I love location scouting and finding the perfect spot for your family.

Fall family portraits outside Knoxville

This family lives in Knoxville and wanted some pretty images in the Fall to celebrate this little girl’s first Autumn. I did some research and extensive scouting online before I arrived and then when I got into town, I drove and hiked around the various options I had selected beforehand. This particular park was the perfect spot. Easy to get to, short little walk to the most beautiful areas and lots of variety in one area. This was actually the last place I visited when location scouting and when I came across this area of water, it was like the angels were singing. Love at first sight! The cliffs on the other side of the lake reflecting into the water was just divine and the fallen leaves gave such a nice touch.

Baby's milestones Family portraits outside KnoxvilleFamily portraits outside Knoxville

The boys fell in love with this little area that I came across the day before. I mean, come on! What boy wouldn’t love to explore and play here?!

Family portraits outside in Knoxville in the FallSibling Family portraits outside Knoxville

An added bonus were these beautiful flowers that were in bloom by the parking lot. Such a perfect area for this little Southern girl! I would say that this location was the perfect fit for mom and her kiddos. Wouldn’t you agree?!

If you are looking for family portraits outside, but aren’t 100% on location, let me do the work for you. It is something I absolutely love to do and would really enjoy finding the spot that sings for your session! Inquire for details and to be added to the calendar.  |  706.713.0676

Fall Family Photography in Watkinsville, GA

Fall family photography sessions are underway! Perfect time for those Holiday greeting cards and gifts to loved one (and for yourself). This little man and his parents celebrated the season with portraits that can be hung on the walls with love as well as Christmas cards. Simple change of clothes and a few personal props changed out the vibe in a subtle way.

fall family photography in Watkinsville, GA

This Southern baby boy wore a family heirloom in blue for the majority of their fall family photography session. One of his nephews wore the exact same outfit a few years back. Love the sentimentalism with passed down wardrobes. Blue happens to look good on him too. I mean, just look at those eyes pop!

Watkinsville, GA fall family photographyfall family photography  of baby boy in Watkinsville, GA

I first photographed mom and dad for their engagement portraits a few years back, so it was such a delight to be able to do their family portraits with their baby boy as their clan grows. What an honor.

fall family photography in a filed in Watkinsville, GABaby fall family photography in Watkinsville, GA

The baby Moses basket is a favorite for family session when a baby is involved. Great way for a little one to stabilize themselves and is a timeless piece that just makes sense.

fall family photography of a baby in a golden field in Watkinsville, GAfall family photography near Athens, GA

A simple outfit change, addition of an antique sleigh and one of the family’s Christmas decorations made things a bit more fitting for what they wanted for their Christmas cards.

Athens, GA fall family photography

If you are wanting updated portraits this year, don’t hesitate to book your fall family photography session. Very limited availability from here through the rest of the year. Inquire for details and to be added to the calendar. Looking forward to seeing you over the next couple of months!  |  706.713.0676

Athens, Georgia |


Nothing like a first birthday milestone portrait session!!! This was the final session of this beauty's Baby's First Year Program. Such an honor watching her grow through all the big milestones of her first year. 

Mom selected the white studio set up with balloons for this important session. One of my favorites!!!!

If your little one is about to celebrate their birthday, consider documenting it with a portrait session. 

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #babyphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantababyphotographer #thesimplelife  #loveauthentic #adventurealways #alittlebeautyeveryday #simplybaby #firstbirthday
Spring break is around the corner, which also happens to be a great time for senior portraits at one of your favorite destinations. Contact me today for details on travel sessions! 
#portrait #yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountyphotographer #OCHS #highschoolsenior #seniorportraits #seniorportraitsession #athensgaseniorphotographer #oconeecountyseniorphotographer #seniorportraitsphotographer #oconeecountyseniorportraitsphotographer #athensgaseniorportraitsphotographer #seniorportraits2025 #classof2025 #springbreakportraits #30A
The heirloom portrait event is just around the corner - February 22. Grab your spot by using the link in bio or send me a message. Hope to see you soon!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
Today is my daughter's last home game of her high school career. It is bittersweet for sure. I remember when she decided to try out and the excitement of making both sideline and courtside squads. To see it coming to a close is very surreal. Don't blink. It really goes by so fast. Very excited for her as she gets closer to starting her next chapter in this crazy journey of life.
#charleston #portrait #yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountyphotographer #OCHS #highschoolsenior #seniorportraits #seniorportraitsession #athensgaseniorphotographer #charlestonseniorphotographer #destinationseniorphotographer #oconeecountyseniorphotographer #seniorportraitsphotographer #oconeecountyseniorportraitsphotographer #athensgaseniorportraitsphotographer #seniorportraits2025 #classof2025
Heirloom albums have thick pages that won't bend when browsing your portraits from your session. These albums are handcrafted with love and are a wonderful way to archive your favorite images for generations to come. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #familyphotography #thefulllife #photoproducts #printyourphotos #productphotography #portrait #album #heirloomalbum
Simplicity is best!!!! Let your baby shine during their first portrait session without distractions. A simple swaddle in a neutral color and a blanket in the same palette allows the focus to stay on your newborn. Simple, pure, lovely.
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #teamcanon #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love #athensganewbornphotographer #oconeecountyganewbornphotographer #watkinsvilleganewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #mymagicalmoments #firstdays #lifestylenewbornsession
Spring sessions are now open for booking! Contact me soon to get on the calendar to ensure you get the spot you want. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #familyphotography #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #familylifestylephotography #familylifestylephotographer #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love
Heirloom portrait event is coming up next month on February 22nd! Secure your spot online by clicking on the link in my bio. You can sed me a message if you prefer. Hope to see you soon!!!!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
"I’m literally almost in tears! They are so gorgeous!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!!! So incredibly grateful for these special memories!!!!! YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!” - Melissa
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #letthemexplore #wildandbravelittles #childrenseemagic #theartofchildhood #childhoodwonders #simplychildren #childphotography #thesimplelife #letthembelittle #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #testimonial