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What To Document At Baby’s Nine Month Milestone Portrait Session

Is your baby about to reach the big nine month birthday and you would like do a photo session, but not sure exactly what to document? Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered.

There is no reason to stress or feel the need to hold a milestone session on an exact date.

At Yvonne Niemann Photography, I always suggest photographing your baby at certain milestones instead of a specific month during the first year of life. Every baby hits stages of development at different times. There are certain months that most babies are hitting certain milestones, so I like use those timeframes as a guide. Let your baby develop at their own pace and document things as they happen.


If you are documenting your baby’s milestones throughout the first year, consider showing their growth by taking a series of pictures at each portrait session that is the same set-up or location. Below is a good example of this. For this baby’s newborn, three month, six month and now nine month session, I took portraits of baby with her Cuddle + Kind dolls as well as images of her mom and her in this window seat in the nursery.

At home nine month baby milestone session Athens, GA

Milestones – ON THE MOVE!!!!!!

Most babies begin crawling, pulling themselves up and standing while holding onto something around nine months. It is a great time to document as your baby is getting bigger, is most likely on the move (or about to…), and can sit very independently now. Some babies are even beginning to take their first steps. Long gone are the days where your baby will just lay or sit still for long periods of time. Don’t worry, I move fast to keep up with babies to get the most precious images.

Nine months baby milestone at home Athens GA


Their personalities are really taking off around nine months and you will be able to get so many different facial reactions and interaction images with family members. You most likely know exactly what will make your baby smile, laugh or make other adorable reactions that you love so much. Let’s use all those tricks during your session to get exactly what you want to remember about this stage! I have a few tricks up my sleeve too, so all of us working together as a team is a sure way to make the session run smooth.

Mother daughter nine month baby milestone photos

Family Heirlooms

If you have wardrobe pieces that you, or your significant other, wore at this same age as a baby, why not dress your little one in those items! The sentimental meaning of those images will become family favorites. There is nothing like seeing your own baby wearing something you wore yourself. Really brings things full circle. If you don’t have heirloom pieces, consider buying something special that you know you will pass down to your baby when they have their own babies! It doesn’t have to be clothing either. I have clients who have used family heirlooms that consist of jewelry, handmade quilts, blankets, rattles, etc…

Nine months baby milestone session Athens, GABaby's nine months baby milestone portraits in home Athens, GA

The Nursery

There is something so special about documenting your baby and family in your home to really showcase this exact time your lives. You have spent a lot of time decorating your baby’s nursery, so why not archive it to share with generations to come! Your baby is most likely very comfortable in their room since it is so familiar. Let them play and be themselves! This is even a great time to catch a few sleeping images if your session overlaps with nap time. This nine month old little girl has an amazing rocking unicorn and mom wanted to make sure we got some images of her with it, just like we did with her brother around the same age with his rocking horse. She is not at the point where she can rock on it by herself, but she could pull herself up and stand while holding onto it just fine! Mom helped with the riding of the unicorn, which resulted in some adorable and meaningful images.

Nine months Athens, GA baby milestone photographer

Start Planning First Birthday

This is a great time to start thinking and planning your baby’s first birthday party, so having some amazing images to display at the big event is a sure win and one less thing to check off your list of things to get done! Sure, you will want portraits of your baby around their first birthday, but if you need printed portraits for the big celebration, this is the time to get that done. Will give you plenty of time to select your favorite images, get them printed, framed and delivered to you.


I hope these tips help you plan your baby’s nine month milestone portrait session. When you are ready to book your session, contact Athens, GA baby photographers at Yvonne Niemann Photography for details and to be added to the calendar.  |  706.713.0676  I’d love to discuss all the options with you and to see if I am the right fit for your needs.

Athens, Georgia |


Nothing like a first birthday milestone portrait session!!! This was the final session of this beauty's Baby's First Year Program. Such an honor watching her grow through all the big milestones of her first year. 

Mom selected the white studio set up with balloons for this important session. One of my favorites!!!!

If your little one is about to celebrate their birthday, consider documenting it with a portrait session. 

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Spring break is around the corner, which also happens to be a great time for senior portraits at one of your favorite destinations. Contact me today for details on travel sessions! 
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The heirloom portrait event is just around the corner - February 22. Grab your spot by using the link in bio or send me a message. Hope to see you soon!
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Today is my daughter's last home game of her high school career. It is bittersweet for sure. I remember when she decided to try out and the excitement of making both sideline and courtside squads. To see it coming to a close is very surreal. Don't blink. It really goes by so fast. Very excited for her as she gets closer to starting her next chapter in this crazy journey of life.
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Heirloom albums have thick pages that won't bend when browsing your portraits from your session. These albums are handcrafted with love and are a wonderful way to archive your favorite images for generations to come. 
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Simplicity is best!!!! Let your baby shine during their first portrait session without distractions. A simple swaddle in a neutral color and a blanket in the same palette allows the focus to stay on your newborn. Simple, pure, lovely.
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Spring sessions are now open for booking! Contact me soon to get on the calendar to ensure you get the spot you want. 
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Heirloom portrait event is coming up next month on February 22nd! Secure your spot online by clicking on the link in my bio. You can sed me a message if you prefer. Hope to see you soon!!!!
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"I’m literally almost in tears! They are so gorgeous!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!!! So incredibly grateful for these special memories!!!!! YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!” - Melissa
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