“For everything that lives is holy, life delights in life.” ~ William Blake
I love the photography of babies when done in a pure, natural and honest way. The simplicity of these type of portrait sessions is really all that is needed to show their growing personalities and strong bonds between family members. I love how inquisitive & playful babies are. They really do bring so much joy to the world!
This lil’ beauty had just turned one year old when she came to me for a petite session with her mom. She is modeling one of the dresses from Tutu Du Monde that had just come in to take its place in the Yvonne Niemann Photography wardrobe. It is a size 1T and fit this lil’ lady perfectly. The neutral gray looked so good with her skin tone, blue eyes and the surroundings. Her mom’s outfit in pastel pink complemented the overall feel of these portraits. Such sweet, natural, loving lifestyle portraits. Great example of what to wear for a portrait session.
If you would like images like this for yourself, contact Athens, GA baby photographers at Yvonne Niemann Photography today to get on the calendar. Fall sessions are booking quickly, so if you would like to grab a spot, don’t hesitate! I’d love to discuss details and tailor a portrait session just for you! info@yvonneniemannphotography.com | 706.713.0676