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Summer Family Photography in the City

“A fabulous mixture of friends makes the texture of life deeper and richer.” ~ UNKNOWN

Summer family photography in the City.

Kids photos taken in St. Louis City.

I have been photographing this family since they just began their family for their first son’s newborn portraits. It has been a delight and honor to create photographic artwork for their growing family throughout the years. Their youngest son was turning one, which made for the perfect milestone to capture through the camera. It was a hot afternoon and the boys were super excited, which made for some fun photos. I could not get over how much the boys had grown in the year and it was neat to see how big brother and baby brother share the same curly locks like their mom. These boys really adore each other and I know they will get into a lot mischief together throughout life. What adventures they will have!

Photos of sibling boys taken by Athens, GA child photographer.

Love the way mom coordinated the family’s wardrobe for their summer family photography session. All he colors complement each other while showing everyone’s individual personalities. Great example for what to wear for portraits when the heat is turned way up in the summer months.

Child photography of boys taken by Athens, GA photographer.

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