I got to spend my day with this beauty at her home in St. Louis for her newborn photography session! I first photographed her just a few weeks ago when she was still in her mommy’s belly for their maternity session. What a miracle life is! Made out of love and into the world full of love – such a blessing. I picked this image for this family’s sneak peek because I love how it conveys the purity and sweetness of a newborn. The light colors and delicate handmade lace add to the freshness of an infant and I just adore her little sweet face and how she sleeps with her arms extended. Ahhhhh….the loveliness of a baby! Miss W loves being held by her parents and being rocked. Makes sense to me… Who wouldn’t like those two things?! We were able to get quite a variety of images both awake and asleep! She has such pretty features and we captured it all. I loved hearing her parents talk to her so sweetly and look at her with such adoring eyes. I know these three are going to have a fabulous life together! Life is such an adventure and I know this family will live it to it’s fullest with lots of trips and journeys along the way. This lil’ lady has the perfect parents to guide her throughout it all. Congrats S family! Your baby girl rounds out your family nicely!
“May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.” ~ IRISH BLESSING
If you are expecting and would like sweet newborn portraits like this, contact St. Louis newborn photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, today to get on the calendar. Only a limited number of photo sessions are done a month, so it’s best to book while you are still pregnant to make sure you reserve your spot for when your baby arrives. info@yvonneniemannphotography.com | 706.713.0676