I adore maternity sessions and it’s even more special when the whole family is involved! This family is expecting their second girl later this summer and I know that Miss C will make a wonderful big sister. She is quite aware of her baby sister in her mommy’s belly and likes to give her kisses and hugs. SO cute to see bonds growing even before these sisters meet in this big wide world! We did get some of those scattered thunderstorms that were rolling through the area on the morning while taking their maternity family photos. Thankfully it only lasted a few minutes and we were able to take cover on the porch of the cabin, which gave us some more wonderful portrait opportunities. Worked out quite well! Congrats M family. I can’t wait to meet your baby girl in a couple of months!
“Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.” ~ HARRIET TUBMAN
If you would like maternity photos like this with your family, contact Athens, GA pregnancy photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, today! Currently scheduling maternity portrait sessions in the Athens, GA areas for Fall and Winter. The best time for maternity photography is towards the beginning of your third trimester. For more details, use the contact tab at the top of the screen or email info@yvonneniemannphotography.com or call me directly at 706.713.0676.