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Extended Family Photographer – Watkinsville, GA

One of my many hats is extended family photographer. I love being able to photograph families with multiple generations. I know these are images I would want myself and it is a privilege to produce portraits like this for others.

Extended family photographer portraits in a field near Atlanta, GA

The daughter of these sweet grandparents contacted me to commission me as their extended family photographer to celebrate her parents 50th wedding anniversary. One of her brother’s family was traveling into town, so it was the perfect opportunity since everyone would be together. Such a rare thing when people live a distance apart.

I was told that they wanted a natural field, but had to be handicap accessible for one of her brothers. I gave a few options and they picked this stunning location. The ground was not soft and these images were taken just a few yards from where we parked the cars. There was a curb, so my husband made a portable ramp that worked out perfectly. Love all the delicate white wild flowers in the pale green grass. The way the sun came through the trees was stunning too!

Extended family photographer three generations portraits Oconee County, GAExtended family photographer portraits in field near Athens GAExtended family photographer photos of cousins in field in Oconee County, Georgia.

These cousins really get along well and I think it shows here. I bet they really enjoy being together and play hard when they do. They are very lucky to have each other.

When photographing extended families, I always like to break things down into immediate family groupings too. I had brought the stools to this session so that not just one person was sitting and to give us some variety. Turned out to be a big hit with these boys. They preferred to sit on the stools vs standing in the grass. I think it had to do with their dislike of the feeling of the tall grass against their skin. Totally get it!

Extended family photographer Oconee County, GA

Extended family photographer father daughter portraits Watkinsville, GAExtended family photographer siblings Oconee County, GAExtended family photographer Mother and son portraits Oconee County, GAExtended family photographer couple portraits in a field in Watkinsville, GAextended family photographer mother daughter portraits Oconee County, GAThis sweet family had pictures taken earlier in the year, so they didn’t want or need as many groupings. I was able to get the images that they requested and really love how they turned out.

Extended family photographer portrait of immediate family from Nashville

Extended family photographer portraits of older siblings in field in Oconee County, Georgia

Can you tell these two ladies are dancers?! Beautiful inside and out.

Extended family photographer portraits of daughter with parents in field near Atlanta, GA

These images of dad with his daughter just melts my heart. Such sweet moments and love shown here. She will always be his baby!

Extended family photographer photos of siblings and dad in a field near Athens, GAExtended family photographer portrait of a couple in Watkinsville, GA

I think they did such a great job picking their wardrobe for their portraits. The color palette works so well, especially for this location. As an extended family photographer, I always give advice on styling. You want everyone to look great as a big group, in each individual immediate family groupings as well as other break downs of family members. I suggest picking a color palette of 3-5 colors that all coordinate together. This allows people to show off their individual personalities and style without being too matchy matchy. Long gone are the portraits where everyone wears white or the exact same thing. It is great to use texture, accessories and  varying fabrics.

This is a popular time to book extended family portrait sessions. A lot of families get together for end of school celebrations and even graduations in the coming months. Over the Summer, a lot of families are able to visit and vacation together as well. Why not take advantage of everyone being together with a portrait session? I help you every step of the way. From location scouting, wardrobe advice, communication to all families, directing during the session, and even helping navigate sticky family dynamics – I’m your gal! Inquire today for details and to book your extended family photo session.  |  706.713.0676


Athens, Georgia |


Nothing like a first birthday milestone portrait session!!! This was the final session of this beauty's Baby's First Year Program. Such an honor watching her grow through all the big milestones of her first year. 

Mom selected the white studio set up with balloons for this important session. One of my favorites!!!!

If your little one is about to celebrate their birthday, consider documenting it with a portrait session. 

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #babyphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantababyphotographer #thesimplelife  #loveauthentic #adventurealways #alittlebeautyeveryday #simplybaby #firstbirthday
Spring break is around the corner, which also happens to be a great time for senior portraits at one of your favorite destinations. Contact me today for details on travel sessions! 
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The heirloom portrait event is just around the corner - February 22. Grab your spot by using the link in bio or send me a message. Hope to see you soon!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
Today is my daughter's last home game of her high school career. It is bittersweet for sure. I remember when she decided to try out and the excitement of making both sideline and courtside squads. To see it coming to a close is very surreal. Don't blink. It really goes by so fast. Very excited for her as she gets closer to starting her next chapter in this crazy journey of life.
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Heirloom albums have thick pages that won't bend when browsing your portraits from your session. These albums are handcrafted with love and are a wonderful way to archive your favorite images for generations to come. 
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Simplicity is best!!!! Let your baby shine during their first portrait session without distractions. A simple swaddle in a neutral color and a blanket in the same palette allows the focus to stay on your newborn. Simple, pure, lovely.
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Spring sessions are now open for booking! Contact me soon to get on the calendar to ensure you get the spot you want. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #familyphotography #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #familylifestylephotography #familylifestylephotographer #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love
Heirloom portrait event is coming up next month on February 22nd! Secure your spot online by clicking on the link in my bio. You can sed me a message if you prefer. Hope to see you soon!!!!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
"I’m literally almost in tears! They are so gorgeous!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!!! So incredibly grateful for these special memories!!!!! YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!” - Melissa
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