“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” ~ WILMA RUDOLPH
Oh how I love this child’s heirloom image box! Great option for those who want all of their portraits from their photography session, but don’t necessarily want them all on their walls. Each box is covered in a natural linen fabric and holds all images shown in a portrait session’s gallery as loose four inch by six inch bordered prints. There is an extra compartment for holding additional photos or other personal keepsakes. In the box above, mementos of second grade were added – favorite artwork, coins from China and a Girl Scout patch. Such a wonderful way to keep memories of the year all in one place for enjoyment now and into the future!
If you would like to see one of these for yourself, contact Athens, GA child photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, to schedule an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out how I can customize your portrait session just for you!