Last weekend we had this beautiful couple’s pregnancy portrait session scheduled, but we got snowed out, but today was PERFECT! Temps were in the mid 40s and the perfect amount of snow to photograph nature’s beauty this winter. I was concerned about this beautiful mama-to-be slipping out there, but it turned out that it was me I should have been worried about. Thankfully I never fell, but I did some fun tricks trying to recover quite a few times. Quite entertaining I’m sure… I never saw her slip or falter even once, so that’s all that mattered. Graceful lady! This couple will make some great parents to their baby boy when he enters this world, which may come sooner than later since his mommy has been having contractions already. Such an exciting time! Congrats and enjoy the sneak peek! Thanks for letting me capture this special time in your lives.
To inquire about a St. Louis Maternity Portrait session with Yvonne Niemann Photography call 706.713.0676 or Email