“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” ~ ABDUL KALAM
This morning I photographed this lil’ beauty for her two month portraits. Oh, how she has changed in her short time on earth! The last time I photographed her, she was about a week old. Now she has such a sweet and fun personality. Full of smiles and inquisitive looks. I was holding her by the window and she just lit up with a big smile of delight as she watched the trees wave in the breeze. It was almost as if nature and her were talking in their own language. We got a lot of wide open eyed portraits showing off those big eyes and then she fell asleep and we were able to get some precious and timeless baby portraits that just melt your heart. She was such a delight and was a wonderful way to start the day. Congrats baby T on your two month birthday. You are growing just beautifully!
If you would like authentic and pure baby photography like this of your lil’ one, contact Athens, GA baby photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, today to schedule your appointment. Fall sessions are almost all booked, but there are a few open dates left in November and December.