Spring portraits in St. Louis is always such a delight! I have seen this family grow from when they welcomed their first daughter was born up to now. Such an honor to be welcomed back year after year to document their family dynamic and love.
This family is full of laughter and have so much fun together. I just adore how they interact with each other. The youngest of the family loved showing me her secret garden and has such spunk. I love her white eyelet dress with the wings on the back. Perfect for her spirit and personality. Big sister is now into competitive cheer and is such the model. She just gets into poses and has such fun ideas for the whole family. Mom and dad have such patience and get silly with their two girls. Love how open they are to the ideas and antics of their daughters. They live life with their hearts. Love that!
Looking for family portraits like this for yourself? Contact Athens, GA and St. Louis family photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, today to set up your appointment. Currently booking Summer and Fall 2023 portrait sessions. Not in the Athens, GA area? No problem. I frequently travel for commissioned portrait sessions throughout the US. I head to St. Louis about twice a year by request and will be doing sessions in Jekyll Island in about a week. I travel to other locations upon request, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Would love to discuss all the details with you. info@yvonneniemannphotography.com | 706.713.0676