“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~ ROBERT BRAULT
Oh my! Isn’t this image just pure sweetness?! When this lovely moment happened between mother and child, it instantly melted my heart. Such a wonderful connection these two have. It was such an honor to photograph this family again and it brought back a lot of memories of their first infant portrait session with me when their first daughter was born. They look identical as babies! Amazing. So glad that I could photograph their family again with their second baby girl. They are such a delightful family who are so warm and loving. They are amazing parents already and I know that this sweet baby girl will receive much guidance and love from her big sister and parents. Big sister loves hugging, kissing and giving comfort to the newest addition to the family. So cute and neat to watch. No jealousy going on here. Just adoration. Congrats M family on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. She rounds out your family nicely.
If you are expecting and would like images like this for yourself, contact Bishop, GA newborn photographer today to get on the calendar. Just use the contact tab at the top of the screen or email me directly at info@yvonneniemannphotography.com