Over the weekend, I got to spend some time with these two along with their family. They happen to be my niece and nephew, so they hold a special place in my heart. We don’t get to see each other often due to distance, but it is always great catching up and seeing these two grow up. I couldn’t be prouder of these two. They are SUPER smart who have great heads on their shoulders and the kindest hearts. My nephew has a 4.8 GPA. I didn’t even know that was a possibility! I always strived for a 4.0 in school, but never reached that. Close, but not something I accomplished. My niece is a great artist who makes some very impressive paintings on canvas and is always drawing. She showed me some artwork that inspires her and what she has done with that inspiration. She also has great grades and has high goals. I know these two will go far in life. Cannot wait to see where it leads them.