This beautiful eleven month old came in yesterday for her crawling and assisted standing baby milestone portrait session. She is just the sweetest thing. She is starting to go through the phase of not wanting to be separated from her mom, which is completely normal at this age. We went with the flow and gave her lots of cuddle time with mom and then we played games to get images of her alone. Worked out great!
She wore a family heirloom that her aunt actually wore at nine months for her milestone portraits. I love it when families include sentimental items in their portrait sessions. Makes the final artwork that much more meaningful. It fit her perfectly and it really worked well with this setting.
I adore the image above for several reasons. We had her stand at the window and then I had mom go outside to look in on her daughter. At first, this lil’ beauty did not like her mom leaving the room, but when her mom tapped on the window and she saw who was out there, she just lit up! BEST feeling ever as a parent. I loved it when my daughter was that age and me walking into a room would bring big smiles, clapping, bouncing and just pure joy. I miss that time in a big way, but I am so fortunate to be able to preserve those moments through my camera for families. Can’t you just see the abundant joy in this image? That was all from seeing her mom out that window! Priceless.
If you have a little one and would like to document important milestones through portraiture, contact Athens, GA baby photographers of Yvonne Niemann Photography today for details and to get on the calendar. Currently booking Fall and Winter portrait sessions. Both petite and full premium sessions are available. Inquire for details. | 706.713.0676