Yesterday I traveled to Alabama for a portrait session with an adorable family at Dream Field Farms. My client had spent Thanksgiving with her family in Troy, AL and wanted some six month portraits of her youngest son while she was there. The location was super fitting for this family. Plenty of space to explore and the boys were right at home on the farm since that is where they go for relaxation when visiting their grandparents. They especially liked the cows and chickens.
While the eldest of the boys was off exploring and visiting the animals, I got some fun images of mother and son portraits with the baby of the family. The light was so pretty in this spot making the tree glow in all it’s Fall glory and highlighting these two. Such a great moment that I know will be cherished for years to come. I have the mention that baby F is wearing the same red sweater that his big brother wore for his six month portraits two years ago. How special is that?!
This adorable Southern guy is such a happy baby. He is sitting up on his own now and has amazing strength. Super laid back and such a sweet heart who is already thinking of other people’s feelings. Completely melted my heart to see him comfort his big brother a few times during the session with sweet back rubs when his brother was crying. I think these two will go far together in life! They are great support systems for each other and I have a feeling that will only continue through the years. Mom and dad and certainly raising their boys right.
If you are wanting images like this for yourself, contact Athens, GA family photographers at Yvonne Niemann Photography to get on the calendar. If you aren’t in Georgia, but would like a session, just let me know and I’d love to discuss details with you!