Baby L is part of the Baby’s First Year Program and his parents wanted to make sure we captured him with his lil’ cast before it comes off next week. He had surgery on his thumb, which would make me mope around and weep, but not the L man! He crawls around as if he didn’t have a cast, bangs it to make some music and during all of this – he’s all smiles. He’s just as laid back and content as he was the first day I met him seven months ago. It’s such an honor to photograph these milestones during his first year of life!
Last night we met up in the city for L’s 10 month portrait session! He got to show us his mad skills at crawling, standing, sitting up and drum beats with his cast. He seemed to enjoy the surroundings and all the movement around him. Oh, and just in case anyone is wondering…we did not put the lil’ man in harms way on a busy street. This was a crosswalk in front of a street that was blocked off to traffic. Safety first! Enjoy the sneak peek!