We got new windows in our kitchen recently and our kitchen is getting a remodel very soon as well – all thanks to my handyman – my husband! Michael’s been enjoying woodworking since he was a kid and I get to reap the rewards of his labor of love. In college, he made me a bed frame that would lift my bed up and my desk would fit underneath since my room was super small and I had a full-sized bed. I was so surprised when he installed it for me and it looked like a beautiful bed frame I’d buy in a store – only much taller. The head & base boards had curves with nice double beveled edges. The bed posts were hand-carved and he painted it a shiny black to finish it off. Took my breath away. Certainly wasn’t the type of thing I saw in the dorm rooms that most college students used. The second thing he made me was a gorgeous coffee table. Again, I was in college and he thought my apartment could use something to fill out the living room. His inspiration was a coffee table we had seen at Pier One. His parents use the coffee table now, but it’s still as beautiful as the day he made it. Since then, he’s made numerous pieces of furniture for ourselves and the projects he’s done around our house are so many I can’t even count. Hardwood floors, new stairs, wood shop, finished basement, gutted bathrooms to make them completely new and our own, crown moulding, new baseboards, solid wood six paneled doors with shiny french hardware, the baby’s room including all the furniture, etc… Then of course there are all the lil’ handyman projects around the place that he’s done that’s really saved us big time – garbage disposal goes out…no problem; backed up plumbing…don’t worry about it; heater starts pushing COLD air out…easy fix; and on and on and on. Our house has truly been transformed for the better because of him and I’m thankful every day for all that he does. Eventually we’ll leave our starter home and move on, which is very exciting to think about, but at the same time I know that I’ll be a bit sad to leave behind all the sweat that has gone into this place. I’m sure it’ll be even harder for him. So today…I just want to thank my dear husband for all of his hard work and for making our house truly OURS!