When your high schooler needs a headshot photo for a scholarship application, you schedule a quick session to put their best face forward. No selfies with a phone for this lady.
High School marks a lot of big milestones that will carry on into your child’s future. Scholarships to help pay for their college education is just one of the many things on the to-do list of a teenager. Many scholarships require a headshot along with the other paperwork that must be submitted. Attaching professional headshot photos makes a lot of sense. These images can be used for many different things depending on their age – portraits for the house, holiday cards, senior ad, graduation announcement, social media, scholarship applications, resumes, sorority resumes, etc…
Headshot sessions can be done indoors our outdoors depending on what is needed. I will help you every step of the way to ensure you are getting exactly what is needed for the purpose of your teen’s headshot photos. Location, time of day, wardrobe and styling all play big rolls in the finished headshot. Inquire today for details and to schedule a headshot session. I look forward to hearing from you! By the way…headshots can easily be done during a family portrait session, so if you are needing updated family photos, you can knock out two items off your to-do list at one time! info@yvonneniemannphotography.com | 706.713.0676