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Scholarship Headshot Photos

When your high schooler needs a headshot photo for a scholarship application, you schedule a quick session to put their best face forward. No selfies with a phone for this lady.

Headshot photos of an Oconee County High School student

High School marks a lot of big milestones that will carry on into your child’s future. Scholarships to help pay for their college education is just one of the many things on the to-do list of a teenager. Many scholarships require a headshot along with the other paperwork that must be submitted. Attaching professional headshot photos makes a lot of sense. These images can be used for many different things depending on their age – portraits for the house, holiday cards, senior ad, graduation announcement, social media, scholarship applications, resumes, sorority resumes, etc…

Headshot sessions can be done indoors our outdoors depending on what is needed. I will help you every step of the way to ensure you are getting exactly what is needed for the purpose of your teen’s headshot photos. Location, time of day, wardrobe and styling all play big rolls in the finished headshot. Inquire today for details and to schedule a headshot session. I look forward to hearing from you! By the way…headshots can easily be done during a family portrait session, so if you are needing updated family photos, you can knock out two items off your to-do list at one time! | 706.713.0676

Athens, Georgia |


When trying to figure out when to do your newborn portrait session, there are a few things to consider. 

If you would like those super curled up images of your baby and images where your infant is super small, then I would recommend booking your newborn session during the first two weeks of life. This is also usually the time before colic and baby acne would arrive, if that ends up being a thing for your sweet baby.

Now, if you would like some wide eyed shots as well as those sleepy images then you may want to wait a bit. Some parents prefer to do their newborn portraits around six weeks. At this age, infants don't curl up quite as tight when they sleep, but their sleep details are still adorable. Most moms mention that they seem to be a bit into a routine at this point, which can help predict baby's mood, sleep and eating patterns. 

Regardless on your baby's age, I am here to document those precious moments. If you are still unsure when to book, don't hesitate to reach out. I am happy to talk through options with you. 
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"So precious!!!! Absolutely in love!!!!" - Melissa
Time to book your Jekyll Island photo session! I am commissioning portrait sessions June 15-22. Contact me as soon as possible to be added to the calendar. Very limited availability. 

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Cannot believe that my daughter graduates high school in two months. Does not seem possible. I could not be prouder of this girl of mine. She is such a beautiful soul, smart, kind, thoughtful, hard working, dedicated and funny to boot. 

My goals for the first six months of the year look a bit different, but at the same time, really aren't. I always have goals that include my daughter, but there is certainly more emphasis on things this year with her. I want to go on a mother/daughter trip, a family trip, visit more colleges, plan her graduation party, do some more photo sessions that she has requested, design save the date and graduation announcements, gather pictures for a slideshow for her graduation party, start compiling dorm room items and be present as much as possible.

Still seems like yesterday I was just meeting her for the first time at the hospital and just like baby girl will be moving on to start the next chapter of her life. 
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A benefit of photographing a baby when they are a bit older is that you can get these precious wide eyed images as well as more varied facial expressions. I mean….you cannot get over those beautiful eyes and those stunning eyelashes.
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Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom, but are already quickly turning green. This week may be your last chance to do a session with the white blossoming flowers as your backdrop. Send me a message to schedule your session today! 
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One fun thing that I get to do as a family photographer is spending time with babies in the early stages of their lives. Such an honor to document these special moments for families. This little lady was such a pleasure to photograph. Especially since I got to do a session with her big sister when she was the same age. Love that they used this precious family heirloom bassinet, which made things just that much more special. Cannot wait to cuddle with some more babies at session in the near future. My baby is about to graduate high school, so newborn sessions give me my baby fix while also flooding back memories of those infant days that I treasure so much.
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Afraid that your little one won't sit still for their portraits? No worries. I have some tricks up my sleeve to get those cherished images that you dream about. Silly noises, music, peek a boo, tape, treats, favorite toys and even keys make their appearance from time to time. There have been a couple of times that my dog has come out to ease the mind of little animal lovers. For this little girl, I used the tape method. Worked like a charm. 
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Every milestone in a baby's first year of life is worth documenting! This little girl is part of the Watch Me Grow program. I photographed her mom for her maternity portraits and then I photographed their newborn session at their home in the Fall. Her three month milestone pictures was such a treat. Her mom chose to do the session in studio since that is what we did for the maternity images. We used the same backdrop and even used the stool we used for some of the maternity portraits. Love to bring everything together like that when possible.
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