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Beautiful Maternity Photography in Mother Nature

“It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun.” ~ HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW

Beautiful pregnancy photo in Mother Nature in Watkinsville, GA.

Last night I photographed this beautiful mom-t0-be surrounded by all that Mother Nature offers in Oconee County, GA. I absolutely adore outdoor maternity photography as I feel it is a fitting backdrop to highlight the miracle and glow of pregnancy. I instantly knew this location would be the perfect spot for this couple’s portraits as she had mentioned how she was drawn to a pregnancy photo that I took at a location in St. Louis that had water cascading down large stones. This area in Oconee County is a dream with it’s beautiful glow, cool water and picturesque surroundings. Even though it’s been a hot summer, last night was very comfortable and the greenery was full and lush on the banks of the river.

This glowing mom-to-be selected the perfect wardrobe for her maternity portraits. Great example of what to wear. This is not a maternity gown, but it worked perfectly with how it showed off her beautiful bump and figure. The pleats’ texture added some texture and the color highlighted her hair, skin tone and complimented the natural hues in Mother Nature.

I am so excited to meet their baby in a few weeks! This couple is so in love with each other and their child who is about to enter the world. Many wonderful days ahead full of excitement, fun and adventure. Such an honor to photograph the beginning of their next phase of life.

If you are expecting and would like pregnancy portraits like this surrounded by the beauty of Mother Nature, contact Oconee County maternity photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, to schedule your customized portrait session today! Although I am located in the Athens, GA area, I frequently travel across the United States for commissioned photography sessions. Inquire for details. Summer sessions are almost completely booked, so if you would like a photo session highlighting that pregnancy glow and you are in your third trimester, contact me as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

Athens, Georgia |


So proud of my girl. She has committed to Georgia College and will be moving to Milledgeville to start her college career this August. She is a true leader and I know she will find ways to utilize her talents while growing her skill and knowledge at GCSU. 

Love you baby girl! Excited for what is to come.
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I hold heirloom photography events each season, but also offer personalized heirloom sessions when you need a bit more time and variety in your images.

Differences in heirloom photography sessions:

Heirloom portrait events are short 15 minute time slots for an individual child. Siblings can be booked back to back to allow a sibling portrait. The background is a white backdrop.

The signature heirloom session lasts up to 90 minutes and can include multiple children and even family pets. You can choose to do the heirloom photography session at your home, outside or at the Yvonne Niemann Photography home studio. You can choose your backdrop as well as a few different sitting options. There are several different backdrops to choose from - white, gray, cream and hand painted muslins in various neutral shades. Sitting options include various stools, chairs, a bench and a settee. If you want other images that are not heirloom portraits, you can do that too during a signature heirloom photography session!

Simplicity heirloom sessions last 30 minutes and can be for an individual child who needs more time to warm up or would like to include a family pet or one other child. These sessions can be done at your home, outdoors or the Yvonne Niemann Photography home studio. You can also choose your backdrop as well as a sitting options.

If you are unsure of what type of heirloom photography session would fit your family/children best, don't hesitate to reach out. I am always happy to discuss options with you and to find the perfect fit for your needs.
This is my absolute favorite location for Spring portraits with blossoming cherry trees. Some years the blossoms are a vibrant pink and other years, they are almost white. Regardless, I just find it dreamy and it photographs beautifully in the morning and before sunset. I know these trees well at this point. I visit them early in the season to see if the branches have buds and know about how long until blossoms appear from the looks of those buds. Some of the trees flower super fast and go green, while others  hang on much longer. 

If you are wanting a session at this location, you still have a little bit a time. They will be blossoming for another week. Contact me today to schedule your session!

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #cherrytrees #cherryblossoms #pastel #spring #springportrait #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #childphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantachildphotographer #lookslikefilmkids #theoutdoorchild #candidchildhood #candidchildhoodunplugged #childhoodunplugged
Weekend is almost here! Hope you get to get out and explore. It sure is pretty out there!!!!
#yvonneniemannphotography #pink #spring #flowers
Loving the delicate cherry tree blossoms and the beauty they are lending to Spring sessions right now. Isn't it dreamy out there?! Send me a message to book your session today.

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer  #springportrait #spring #cherrytree #cherryblossomportrait #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #childphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantachildphotographer #lookslikefilmkids #theoutdoorchild #candidchildhood #candidchildhoodunplugged #childhoodunplugged
Cherry and apple trees are now in bloom! Book your session to take place in the next two weeks to take advantage of the flowering trees. Message me today. I am opening up some extra spots specifically for this big Spring milestone.
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #appletrees #cherrytrees #spring #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #familyphotography #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #familylifestylephotography #familylifestylephotographer #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love
When trying to figure out when to do your newborn portrait session, there are a few things to consider. 

If you would like those super curled up images of your baby and images where your infant is super small, then I would recommend booking your newborn session during the first two weeks of life. This is also usually the time before colic and baby acne would arrive, if that ends up being a thing for your sweet baby.

Now, if you would like some wide eyed shots as well as those sleepy images then you may want to wait a bit. Some parents prefer to do their newborn portraits around six weeks. At this age, infants don't curl up quite as tight when they sleep, but their sleep details are still adorable. Most moms mention that they seem to be a bit into a routine at this point, which can help predict baby's mood, sleep and eating patterns. 

Regardless on your baby's age, I am here to document those precious moments. If you are still unsure when to book, don't hesitate to reach out. I am happy to talk through options with you. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #westcott #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #athensga #athensgaphotography #athensganewbornphotographer #oconeecountyganewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #bellelumiermagazine #alliseeispretty #belovedstories #newbornphotoshoot #newbornphotos #lifestylenewbornphotography #lifestylenewborn #inhomenewbornsession #newborninspiration #newmomlife
"So precious!!!! Absolutely in love!!!!" - Melissa
Time to book your Jekyll Island photo session! I am commissioning portrait sessions June 15-22. Contact me as soon as possible to be added to the calendar. Very limited availability. 

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #childphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantachildphotographer #lookslikefilmkids #theoutdoorchild #candidchildhood #candidchildhoodunplugged #childhoodunplugged #jekyllisland #driftwoodbeach