Fall maternity portraits are always a special treat. The miracle of a woman with child and the magical colors that mother nature gives us really go hand-in-hand. This couple’s maternity session took place towards the end of Autumn right before sunset. The glow of this beautiful mom-to-be and the sun sparkling through the trees made for stunning portraits. I was so glad that they decided to bring their beloved dog as they are such a big part of any family and deserve to be included in special portraits and the family’s heirlooms. This couple couldn’t be sweeter. Their love for each other, their dog and their baby is so apparent and the excitement they displayed was electric and quite contagious. Just another reason why I adore creating artwork for expecting families.
If you would like beautiful and romantic maternity portraits like this for yourself, contact Athens, GA maternity photographer, Yvonne Niemann, today for more details and to book your customized photography session. Just use the contact tab at the top of the screen or email me directly at info@yvonneniemannphotography.com.
“Children will not remember for the material things you provided but for the feeling you cherished them.” ~ RICHARD L. EVANS