This lil’ man belongs to one of my good friends from my video producing days. When I heard that his son arrived on Christmas, I couldn’t be more thrilled. Baby A’s daddy had always been so good to me and it was such an honor to capture his lil’ one this afternoon. When I walked into baby Andy’s room, I saw him laying in his crib and my immediate thought was, “What a cute baby doll!” I literally thought that he was his big sister’s doll. Well, I was right, but it wasn’t a toy baby, but a real one. He’s so adorable and just perfect in every way. J and M couldn’t be luckier parents and I know big sister will be such a good guide to this lil’ man through the journey of life. She’s already lending a helping hand and you can tell that she just adores her baby brother. Enjoy the sneak peek and congrats my friend. I’m so happy for you and your growing family.