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Beautiful Family Photography in Watkinsville, GA

“Happiness is not a goal; it’s a by-product.” ~ ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

Beautiful family photography in the Fall in Watkinsville, GA.

Last night we finally had sunshine after all the dreary days we have had in Georgia over the last few weeks. Perfect timing for this beautiful family photography session. The sun shining though the trees gave us a beautiful glow and made the tall grass sparkle. I have had an honor to photograph all the girls in the family over this past year, but this is the first time I had the privilege to create photographic artwork of the entire family. They are so much fun and the kiddos are SO well behaved. The youngest of the family was on her own mission last night – run and explore her surroundings. She had no time to stay still or be held for long period of times. Thankfully, we were able to get adorable images of her by playing games and allowing her to walk and run in the field. Her big sister and brother were great help and loved joining in on the games and fun adventures in the field. So sweet! Can’t wait to show more.

I have to talk about their outfits for a minute. Fabulous example of what to wear for Fall family photography sessions. Mom wasn’t sure of what to dress everyone in, so we discussed color schemes and then I came over to her house where she had clothes laying out for everyone. I was immediately drawn to one of the outfits she had just bought for the baby of the family and so we built everyone else’s outfits around that. As you can see, the burgundy from baby’s leggings is seen throughout their outfits as is the cream from her sweater. Her dress has burgundy, cream and various shades of brown, which is also mimicked in various clothing choices for other family members. Most of the outfits were already in their closets. Mom just had to buy a couple of items to complete the family’s wardrobe (dad’s sweater, big sister’s jacket and bow) This is a great example of how to pull together your own family’s portrait wardrobe. All clients of Yvonne Niemann Photography get clothing advice for their sessions with me and I am always here to help when needed.

If you are looking for beautiful family photography for yourself, contact Athens, GA family photographer, Yvonne Niemann Photography, today to get on the calendar. Session availability is limited between now and the end of the year. Booking into 2016 as well.

Athens, Georgia |


Nothing like a first birthday milestone portrait session!!! This was the final session of this beauty's Baby's First Year Program. Such an honor watching her grow through all the big milestones of her first year. 

Mom selected the white studio set up with balloons for this important session. One of my favorites!!!!

If your little one is about to celebrate their birthday, consider documenting it with a portrait session. 

#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #babyphotography #atlantaphotographer #atlantababyphotographer #thesimplelife  #loveauthentic #adventurealways #alittlebeautyeveryday #simplybaby #firstbirthday
Spring break is around the corner, which also happens to be a great time for senior portraits at one of your favorite destinations. Contact me today for details on travel sessions! 
#portrait #yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountyphotographer #OCHS #highschoolsenior #seniorportraits #seniorportraitsession #athensgaseniorphotographer #oconeecountyseniorphotographer #seniorportraitsphotographer #oconeecountyseniorportraitsphotographer #athensgaseniorportraitsphotographer #seniorportraits2025 #classof2025 #springbreakportraits #30A
The heirloom portrait event is just around the corner - February 22. Grab your spot by using the link in bio or send me a message. Hope to see you soon!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
Today is my daughter's last home game of her high school career. It is bittersweet for sure. I remember when she decided to try out and the excitement of making both sideline and courtside squads. To see it coming to a close is very surreal. Don't blink. It really goes by so fast. Very excited for her as she gets closer to starting her next chapter in this crazy journey of life.
#charleston #portrait #yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountyphotographer #OCHS #highschoolsenior #seniorportraits #seniorportraitsession #athensgaseniorphotographer #charlestonseniorphotographer #destinationseniorphotographer #oconeecountyseniorphotographer #seniorportraitsphotographer #oconeecountyseniorportraitsphotographer #athensgaseniorportraitsphotographer #seniorportraits2025 #classof2025
Heirloom albums have thick pages that won't bend when browsing your portraits from your session. These albums are handcrafted with love and are a wonderful way to archive your favorite images for generations to come. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #familyphotography #thefulllife #photoproducts #printyourphotos #productphotography #portrait #album #heirloomalbum
Simplicity is best!!!! Let your baby shine during their first portrait session without distractions. A simple swaddle in a neutral color and a blanket in the same palette allows the focus to stay on your newborn. Simple, pure, lovely.
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #teamcanon #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love #athensganewbornphotographer #oconeecountyganewbornphotographer #watkinsvilleganewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #mymagicalmoments #firstdays #lifestylenewbornsession
Spring sessions are now open for booking! Contact me soon to get on the calendar to ensure you get the spot you want. 
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #familyphotography #athensga #oconeecountyga #watkinsville #watkinsvillega #watkinsvillegaphotographer #athensgaphotography #familylifestylephotography #familylifestylephotographer #thefulllife #pure #thesimplelife #themotherhoodanthology #seekthesimplicity #love
Heirloom portrait event is coming up next month on February 22nd! Secure your spot online by clicking on the link in my bio. You can sed me a message if you prefer. Hope to see you soon!!!!
#yvonneniemannphotography #HeirloomPortraits #southernheirloomportraits #heirloomportrait #heirloomphotography #southernstyle #classic #smockedclothing #childrenportraits #atlantaheirloomphotographer #athensgaheirloomphotographer #oconeecountygaheirloomportraitphotographer #oconeecountyheirloomphotographer #westcott #classicportrait #studiophotoshoot #photostudio #editorialphotoshoot
"I’m literally almost in tears! They are so gorgeous!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!!! So incredibly grateful for these special memories!!!!! YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!” - Melissa
#yvonneniemannphotography #athensgaphotographer #oconeecountygaphotographer #athensgababyphotographer #oconeecountygababyphotographer #athensgachildphotographer #oconeecountygachildphotographer #athensgafamilyphotographer #oconeecountygafamilyphotographer #letthemexplore #wildandbravelittles #childrenseemagic #theartofchildhood #childhoodwonders #simplychildren #childphotography #thesimplelife #letthembelittle #outdoorfamilyphotography #documentyourdays #livemoremagic #testimonial