This lil’ seven month old baby girl was such a delight to photograph. She is one of the most laid back babies. I never heard her make a peep the entire time I was with her and she didn’t even mind the feeling of the grass in the field. Isn’t she just a beauty? Love her round face, those two itty bitty teeth, her straight brown hair, those big eyes and her infectious smile! Her complexion looks so pretty with the light greenish blue Tutu Du Monde dress too. Perfect for this field that looks just magical in this image. Love the little pop of color the delicate purple flowers give. The glow from the setting sun adds to the dreaminess of the image too.
The dress she is modeling is actually a new addition to the Yvonne Niemann Photography wardrobe closet. It is size 6-9 months. Perfect for indoor and outdoor milestone portrait sessions. Other outfits are also available to borrow for photo sessions with me. Inquire for more information.
If you would like images like this of your baby, contact Athens, GA family photographers at Yvonne Niemann Photography today to book your session. Spring is a great time for outdoor portraits among the beauty of Mother Nature. So many options for locations here in Georgia! Contact me at | 706.713.0676